“JOUD BEL MAWJOUD.” This is an Arabic quote that means that you have to deal with whatever you have. And this life that we live in is based on this and for some of us it is hard to do so especially when you fell suddenly from a high rank.
For example, my aunt was living wealthy and happy in a foreign country, when she decided to move to Lebanon and she lost everything. She used to have many maids and many helpers that used to help her out around the house. But when she moved she doesn’t have the financial that she had and she doesn’t have enough to bring someone to help her out like before. Now she is managing as much as she can and she is trying to be organized. But for me, who always lived with my parents I am used to order and to everything having its own place.
In this project I will show through my lens how things can be found in unexpected places, due to an accident that happened during someone’s life. Those objects are accustomed to the people like me who are living 24/7 in this space and to whom our eyes gets used to it that we don’t find it strange anymore.